Saturday, March 16, 2013

Add Playframework 2 support in eclipse for building a Web Application

In this tutorial I'll add support for Playframework 2 in spring tool suite (IDE based on eclipse)

Supposing you have already the Spring Tool Suite. We'll install the Play2 plugin in our IDE.

Step 1: Install the Scala-IDE (this is required for play plugin) -

We'll go in the wild side and select the version 3 release candidate.

Go on Help > Install New Software...

Put the link for the nightly build link at "Work with:" hit enter

check "Scala IDE for Eclipse" and "Scala IDE plugins (incubation)"

and hit "Next > "

accept the license and press "Finish" and after a while, you'll receive a warning

hit ok and restart your IDE.

After restart a message would appear about "Scala Setup Diagnostics"

hit "Yes"

it's recommended to increase the heap for a proper functionality modifying the JVM arguments in STS.ini file with the following:
   -Xmx1024m .
For more details about tuning the performance on eclipse follow this discussion: .

Step 2: Install the Playframework 2 plugin

We'll use the nightly build as it has the latest features.
Or you can build your own version from sources that are on github: .

Go on Help > Install New Software...

Put the link for the nightly build [link] at "Work with:" hit enter, check "Play 2 support"

 and hit "Next > "

"Next > "

accept the license and press "Finish".

Continue the installation when you receive the warning.

Now we can develop our first play application.

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